King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


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Friendship Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Justin Elwell
Short Description
Friendship is an independent Fundamental Baptist church. Our church uses the King James version of scriptures for preaching and teaching. The church outreach program includes International missions as well as support for local community programs. Music is traditional church songs used for worship with emphasis on traditional hymns.
Friendship Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Tioga, Texas. The pastor is Justin Elwell.

Friendship Baptist Church in Tioga, Texas believes the King James Version of the Bible and offers traditional worship services in English. They have No Evening Service and service on Wednesday Evening.
Physical Address
220 S. Ray Roberts Pkwy
Tioga, Texas 76271
Tioga, Texas
Johnson Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Jaron Eagle
Short Description
Where everybody is somebody, and Jesus Christ is LORD!
Physical Address
329 Pekoma Rd.
Philadelphia, TN 37846