King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources

Institutes and Colleges

The choice of which Bible college to attend is one that should be taken very seriously, as it can effect the direction of your ministry and life. If you are contemplating attending a college, seek plenty of counsel, talk it over with your pastor, do lots of research, and – most importantly – seek God’s will in prayer and fasting. This Guide will help you begin your research. It is not a substitute for godly counsel and persistent prayer.

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Choosing a College

The college you choose will determine many things about your life: Your theology – the doctrine you espouse and the way you practice that doctrine will largely be determined by the instructors who are teaching you. Your friends – you will form life-long friendships while at Bible college. Your success in ministry – the quality of your education will be a determiner in how successful you are able to be in your ministry. Your church / Your support – almost every Bible college has its own circle of ministries and churches. The positive aspect of these “circles” is that it provides you with a pre-existing network of trust and support when you go out into the world to minister. However, it is easy to get caught up in these circles and comfortable relationships and some folks never move beyond them. Your Spouse – many young people actually meet their lifelong spouse while at Bible college. Some young people go to Bible college for exactly that purpose. Your worldview – some colleges will systematically tear apart your Faith before you even realize what is going on. This makes it extremely important to consider going to a KJV, independent Baptist College, institute, or seminary.

Not Just for Pastors and Missionaries

KJV Bible Colleges do not just offer training for pastors and missionaries. Programs vary from college to college, but some offer teacher training, secretarial training, music, and even vocational programs such as nursing and communications. Even if you do not believe that God has called you to be a pastor, evangelist, or missionary, you may find that you can train for your calling at a Bible college.

On-site or Distance Learning

Although “distance learning” has always been around in the form of “correspondence courses,” the development and growth of the Internet has brought new innovations and potential for the delivery of classes and course materials to students at locations all around the world. This means that a man can train to be a pastor or evangelist without leaving his job, home, and local church. He can remain under the discipleship of his pastor with his financial support (his job) in place. But, before you write off bricks-and-mortar institutions, carefully consider the pros and cons of each method of education. Distance education requires a person to be self-motivating and very disciplined. Interaction in a classroom can enhance the educational experience. Being on campus lets you build those life-long relationships with other people who are called of God to various ministries. A college environment typically brings together some of the most gifted men and women of God you may ever meet. You may never have an opportunity to interact academically and socially with such a group of people for the rest of your life. Many people simply don’t learn well from books and DVDs. They need the classroom experience, hands on work, and back-and-forth discussion of a physical campus in order to learn to their full potential. Pray persistently and carefully about your options before making a decision about the style of learning you pursue.

Visiting the Schools

Most Bible colleges, Bible institutes, and seminaries are very happy for you to come and visit them. Begin by visiting them on the Internet before you fly there in person. Get a feel for the school and its culture, and ask questions. Most schools provide comprehensive information about costs, degree offerings, and courses on their web site.

This is where your research begins. Take your time and explore all of them. These schools understand the importance and the difficulty of the decision you are making, and they are more than happy to answer questions and supply additional materials you might need.

Below are names and links to KJV, indpendent Baptist Colleges, Bible institutes, and seminaries.

Indiana Fundamental Bible College,
Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate. on-site study. includes practical missions such as aviation, auto mechanics …
Baptist Bible Translators Institute,
certificate program. on-site study.
Ambassador Baptist College,
certificate, Associate, Bachelors, Masters. on-site study.
The Crown College,
Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master. On-site study.
Emmanuel Baptist Theological Seminary,
Masters, Doctorate. On-sitestudy, distance education.
Fairhaven Baptist College,
Certificate, bachelor, master. On-site study.
Faithway Baptist College of Canada,
Certificate, bachelor. On-site study.
Golden State Baptist College,
Bachelor, Master. On-site study.
Landmark Baptist College,
Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctorate. On-site study.
Maryland Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary,
Associate, Bachelor, Master. On-site study.
Massillon Baptist College,
Certificate, Associate, Bachelor. On-site study.
New England Baptist College
The only residential Bible College in the Northeast, with a goal to teach and train men and women for the ministry in New England to stay in New England. King James only; solid standards of separation; traditional conservative music.
Pensacola Christian College,
Associate, Bachelor, Master, Doctorate. On-site study, some distance education opportunities.
Shawnee Baptist College,
Associates, Bachelor.
West Coast Baptist College,
Certificate, associate, bachelor, masters. On-site study.
Antioch Baptist College,
Diploma. On-site study.
Gulf Coast Bible Insitute,
Bachelor, master, doctorate. Distance education.
Midwestern Baptist College,
certificate, associates, bachelors, masters, doctorate; on-site study.
Columbus Baptist College,
Associates, Bachelor. On-site study, distance education.
School of Biblical and Theological Studies,
Diploma, associate, bachelor, master, doctor. Distance education.
Cherith Bible Institute,
Diploma. Distance education.
Hyles-Anderson College,
Bachelors, masters, doctorate. On-site study.
Baptist College of Ministry,
undergraduate, masters; on-site study.
Commonwealth Baptist College,
Diploma, associate, bachelors. On-site study.
Southern Indiana Baptist College,
Associate, Bachelor, master, doctorate; Distance study.
Biblical School of World Evangelism,
one-, two-, three-, and four-year programs aimed at training missionaries; On-site study.


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This Guide was developed by Baptist Ministries. The original development of this Guide was sponsored by Indiana Fundamental Baptist College, Paris, IN.

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