King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources

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Pastor's Name
Rev S Prakash Raj
Physical Address
No.35, Telugu Lane,22nd Cross , Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600-030, India
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
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Pastor's Name
Rev S Prakash Raj
Physical Address
35/1,22nd cross street,telugu lane, Chennai, tamil Nadu 600030, India
Chennai, tamil Nadu
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Pastor's Name
Jerry Boritzki
Physical Address
#30 Via Dei Normani, Motta S. Anastasia Sigonella, Italy
Motta S. Anastasia
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Pastor's Name
Pastor Seth Jenkins
Physical Address
, Motta S.Anastastia, Sicily, Italy
Motta S.Anastastia, Sicily
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Pastor's Name
Chris War
Physical Address
Via Delle Chiesa 10, Marsure 33081, Italy
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Pastor's Name
Rev. Phillip Sorulen
Physical Address
Cnr Sandpiper & Robin Street, Lae 411, Papua New Guinea
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Pastor's Name
ken poku duah
Physical Address
new estate road, akoase-nkawkaw BOX 10,, Ghana
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Pastor's Name
Edwin Emanuel Role
Physical Address
west avenue, nassau, Bahamas
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Pastor's Name
Pastor Doc Sumbillo
Physical Address
, Dubai,UAE, United Arab Emirates
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Pastor's Name
Alton L. Mickle
Physical Address
15 Rue de Baudour, Herchies 7050, Belgium
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Pastor's Name
Daniel Muthama
Physical Address
, Nyandarua, Kenya
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Physical Address
1038/3 East Monipur, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
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Pastor's Name
Harhh James
Physical Address
Polashvilla, Meherpur 7100, Bangladesh
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Pastor's Name
Jacquelin Sajous
Physical Address
Route Nationale #1, Gonaives HT-4110 Go, Haiti
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Pastor's Name
Michael Jeremiah
Physical Address
191 Walkers Road, George Town, George Town KY1-1105, Cayman Islands
George Town
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Pastor's Name
Pastor Desmond Fessal
Physical Address
Arnos Vale, Kingstown , St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Pastor's Name
Vance Willett
Short Description
We believe the Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired; it is truth without any admixture of error; it is the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions are to be tried; it is and shall remain to the end of the world the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man.

We believe the God who inspired the Scriptures has providentially preserved them for us in infallible form; that these words can be found between the covers of the King James Bible (Authorized Version) in the manner in which an all powerful and wise God intends for us, as English speaking people, to have them.

We believe the sixty-six (66) books of the Bible do not merely contain the words of God, but are the words of God. Therefore, we accept and embrace every word as essential and important. These beliefs rest entirely upon its contents and those contents being properly interpreted and rightly divided.

Physical Address
1659 Mt. Olivet Road
La Grange, Kentucky 40031
La Grange
Calvary Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Dan Lashley
Short Description
At Calvary Baptist Church, we are a group of believers in Jesus Christ who are committed to faithfully handling God's Word.

Everything we do is centered around the Bible. That's because we believe God's Word is powerful to save souls and transform lives. We believe God's Word offers you the same power to meet your deepest need: a growing and eternal relationship with the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ.
Physical Address
312 North State Street
Belvidere, IL 61008
Pastor's Name
John Riker
Short Description
A friendly church that stands on the Word of God.
Physical Address
9825 w State Rd. 54
Linton, Indiana 47441
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Pastor's Name
Pastor.Prakash Raj, M.Com,M.A.(C.S),M.A.
Physical Address
No.26,Dr.Ambedkar Colony,(22nd, Chennai (Madras) 600030, India
Chennai (Madras)
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Pastor's Name
Rev. Hansel G. Escober
Physical Address
National Highway, Pontevedra 6105, Philippines
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Pastor's Name
James Chambers
Physical Address
hyw 33 south, Sylvester, Georgia , United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Johnny Daniels
Physical Address
Ave. 65th Inf. KM 10.6, Carolina 00987, Puerto Rico
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Pastor's Name
Lacy Frye
Physical Address
7900 Ten Ten Rd., Raleigh, North Carolina 27603, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
pastor Park Sutton
Physical Address
2420 Laporte Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado 805241, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Timothy Perry
Physical Address
N US Hwy 25, East Bernstadt, Kentucky 40729, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Timothy Perry
Physical Address
6041 N US Hwy 25, London, Kentucky 40741, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Phil Hall
Physical Address
200 Hall Rd., Iva, South Carolina Iva, SC, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Charles C. Snyder
Physical Address
PO Box 783 Moorefield WV, Moorefield, West Virginia 26836, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Michael J. Rizzuti
Physical Address
162 Main St., 2nd floor, Danielson, Connecticut 06239, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Aaron McCullough
Physical Address
594 Beverly Rancocas Road, Willingboro, New Jersey 08046, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
George Burkinshaw
Physical Address
579 West Main St., Elbridge , New York 13060, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Bob Burney
Physical Address
, Westerville, Ohio , United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Floyd Radebaugh
Physical Address
1419 Linn-Hipsher Rd., Marion, Ohio 43302, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Michael Elder
Physical Address
3014 North Lark Road, Weatherford, Oklahoma Weatherfor, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Physical Address
, Tibungco, Davao City, Philippines
Tibungco, Davao City
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Pastor's Name
Rev. Ronnie Flores
Physical Address
Villa Josefina Subdivision Cal, Sta Cruz Laguna 4009, Philippines
Sta Cruz Laguna
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Pastor's Name
Bijay Pradhan
Physical Address
Link Road, Dhalko-16, Kathamndu, Nepal
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Pastor's Name
David Pike
Physical Address
1769 Bingham Dr. , Fayetteville , North Carolina 28304, United States of America
Pastor's Name
Josh Gabrielse
Short Description
We are a fundamental church that holds to the baptist distinctives.
Physical Address
3300 Territorial Rd.
Benton Harbor
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Pastor's Name
Dave Henderson
Physical Address
, Anniston, Alabama , United States of America
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Physical Address
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Pastor's Name
E. Wayne Hudson
Physical Address
1700 James Street , Lynchburg, Virginia 24501, United States of America
Pastor's Name
Brock Henry
Short Description
An Independent Fundamental Baptist Church
Physical Address
1033 North Perry Hwy
Mercer Pa 16137
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Pastor's Name
Eric C. Hite, Ist
Physical Address
5140 Galaxie Drive, Jackson, Mississippi 39206, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Eric C. Hite, I
Physical Address
5240 Manhattan Road, Jackson, Mississippi 39206, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Pastor Carbon
Physical Address
Paragas Drive Talon-Talon Zamb, Zamboanga City 7000, Philippines
Zamboanga City
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Pastor's Name
Senior Pastor Dale Nuijens (Copastor Kev
Physical Address
981 Bowen Road, Elma, New York 14224, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Rev. Nelson Tindall Sr.
Physical Address
30510 North James Madison Highway, New Canton , Virginia PO Box 105, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Jamie Colbert
Physical Address
4601 North Terrace, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411, United States of America