We are so thankful to have a bookstore for the fundamental.org and the KJV Church Directory. We are able to help our churches listed on the KJV Church directory obtain resources needed and at the same time your purchases help cover the cost of operating the KJV Church directory. It is a Win Win for everyone.
Please take a look at our own bookstore provided for by Fundamental Baptist Books at this link https://fundamentalbaptistbooks.com/product-category/fundamental-org/
Our first in a series of reviews of the bookstore products will be a review of the Old Scofield KJV Study Bible.
The Old Scofield Reference Bible is laid out with summary headings and cross references that make it easy to find what you are looking for in the Bible. It uses an easy to read font and on every page gives an approximate date that fixes the historical period. There are extensive notes that assist in grasping the doctrines of the Bible. This is a great study Bible to begin with and the King James version (The ONLY version we recommend) allows the reader to cross check with the Strong's concordance. The Old Scofield Reference Bible is strong on dispensational and pretribulation doctrine. It has been the most beloved study Bible for over 100 years. There is much more that could be said but we are keeping our reviews brief and to the point. https://fundamentalbaptistbooks.com/product-category/fundamental-org/