King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


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Calvary Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Todd Bell
Short Description
Calvary Baptist Church! Here at CBC you will find that we are a group of average, every day people that are looking to please the Lord with our lives.
Physical Address
68 High Street Sanford, Sanford, Maine 04073, United States of America
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Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Dr. Chester Kulus
Physical Address
115 Yeaton Rd., Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264, United States of America
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New England Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Joseph Coppola
Short Description
Our emphasis in each ministry is to maintain extremely strong Biblical connections to our culture and society. We hold an extremely strong position on the importance of God’s Word in every aspect of life.
Physical Address
560 North Main St., West Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02379, United States of America
West Bridgewater
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Open Door Bible Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
David Garnett
Physical Address
26 Gartley Street, Lisbon, Maine 04250, United States of America