King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


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Pastor's Name
Short Description
Pastor Moses Dirisena is the Founder & President of Carmel Gospel Missions. He and his Wife Shaleam Rani , have two daughters Monika & Mercy.

Pastor Moses graduated with a B.A., in India, and had his professional studies in Computers. He Worked as a Computer Programmer with a Pharmaceutical Company before being called into full time Christian Service. In 1999 in obedience to God's call, he left his secular job and was ordained to the Gospel Ministry.

In addition to being the Pastor of a local church in Kamavarapu Kota, Moses and his wife are active in several ministries including: Church Planting & Soul Winning, Evangelism in Rural & Tribal areas, Organizing and conducting Gospel Evangelistic Meetings, Pastor and Leadership Seminars, Orphaned Childrens Home, Helping Aid to HIV-AIDS Children, Lepers Ministry.
Physical Address
14-140, Near Check Post, Chintalapudi Road, Kamavarapukota - West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, South India.
Kamavarapu Kota