King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


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Mt Calvary Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Pastor Steven Sykes
Short Description
Mt Calvary is an old fashion, Bible believing Independent Baptist Church. It would be our privilege to have you worship the Lord with us as our honored guest. We are a traditional church that enjoys singing the hymns of the faith.
The cornerstone of Mt Calvary is preaching the Bible in a balanced manner that stirs and challenges our hearts. We believe that adhering to old fashioned Biblical preaching will build and better your life, as you seek to please the Lord. The Mt Calvary family and myself would like to extend to you a personal invitation to visit our church, we would consider it an honor. We hope to see you this Sunday. -Pastor Steven Sykes
Physical Address
2455 Hatch Hwy NE
Deming, NM 88030