King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


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Anchor Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Mike Elliott
Short Description
We are traditional in our worship, music and preaching. Many have described us as old fashioned and we believe that is a fair assessment.
Physical Address
4641 Oakdell Ave, Dayton, OH 45432, USA
Dayton, Ohio
New Beginning Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
Pastor Michael Yost
Short Description
We would love for you to come and visit us here at New Beginning! Bible Preaching, Gospel Singing and Loving People Service Times: Sunday-9:45am, 11:00am, 6pm Wednesday: 7:00pm See Less
Physical Address
1959 Bud Tilley Road
Pinnacle, NC 27043
Pastor's Name
David Haveman
Short Description
Reaching Kalispell With The Gospel
Physical Address
Hilton Garden Inn
Conference Center
1840 Highway, U.S. 93 S, Kalispell, MT 59901