King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


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Pastor's Name
Norman C. Null, Jr.
Physical Address
1223 Branch Street, Platte City, Missouri 64079, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Norman C. Null, Jr.
Physical Address
308 Zed Martin Street, Platte City, Missouri 64079, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Nolan Wynn
Physical Address
3092 State Road AA, Holts Summit, Missouri 65043, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Tony Denney
Physical Address
2619 Princeton Road , Trenton, Missouri 64683, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Larry L. Sparks
Physical Address
1984 Reinmiller Rd., Joplin, Missouri 64804, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Bob Elfrink
Physical Address
401 S. Franklin, Cuba, Missouri 65453, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
John Magas
Physical Address
9920 NW Hwy 45, Parkville, MO , Parkville, Missouri 64152, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
John Magas
Physical Address
9920 NW Hwy 45, Parkville, Missouri 64152, United States of America
Pastor's Name
Mike Miller
Physical Address
3 S Cane Street, Ellsinore, Missouri 63937, United States of America
Pastor's Name
Tim Gibson
Physical Address
1027 CR 2445, Hunstville, Missouri 65259, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Delbert Davis
Physical Address
1106 Talking Rocks Road, Branson West, Missouri 65737, United States of America
Pastor's Name
D. Todd Turner
Physical Address
483 Hallelujah Dr., Villa Ridge , Missouri 63089, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Pastor Carl Herbster
Physical Address
, Independence, Missouri , United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Mark Cannon
Physical Address
6940 James A Reed, Kansas City, Missouri 64133, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Timothy Boos
Physical Address
4501 Pittman Rd., Kansas City, Missouri 64133, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Steven Brudnak
Physical Address
2501 W. State, Springfield, Missouri 65802, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Steven Brudnak
Physical Address
2501 W. State St., Springfield, Missouri 65802, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Chris Allen
Physical Address
110 Front Street, Grain Valley, Missouri 64029, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Gary Crumly
Physical Address
9401 I-70 Dr. N.E., Columbia, Missouri 65202, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Thomas Johnston
Physical Address
11893 County Road 3450, Saint James, Missouri 65559, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Mike Andrews
Physical Address
2625 Shackelford Rd., Florissant, Missouri 63031, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Elmo Parker
Physical Address
RR 4 Piedmont, MO, Piedmont, Missouri 63957, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Bill Kolb
Physical Address
3104 W. Division St., Springfield, Missouri 65802, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Bobby James Rogers Sr.
Physical Address
2919 West College St, Springfield , Missouri 65802, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Randall Moody
Physical Address
6411 South Farm Rd. 115,, Battlefield, Missouri 65619, United States of America