King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources


King James (KJV) Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches in Indiana.

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Pastor's Name
George Guinn
Physical Address
846 S 9th St, Clinton, Indiana 47842, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Mark Promnitz
Physical Address
125 N Court Street, Crown Point, Indiana 46307, United States of America
Pastor's Name
Darrell Johnson
Physical Address
corner of State Road 56 and 39, Scottsburg, Indiana 47170, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Dr. Mike Holloway
Physical Address
1700 S Goyer Rd, Kokomo, Indiana 46902, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Brad West
Physical Address
301 W Harrison Street, carlisle, Indiana 47838, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
James Russell
Physical Address
, Washington , Indiana , United States of America
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Physical Address
3501 S Madison street, Muncie, Indiana 47302, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Doug Jackson
Physical Address
1406 Lumbard Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Dr. Douglas Jackson
Physical Address
1406 Lumbard Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803, United States of America
Fort Wayne
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Pastor's Name
Daniel Meece
Physical Address
307 S 3rd Street (State Rd 352, Ambia, Indiana 47917, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Richard Vogsberger
Physical Address
5331 E 400 S, Columbus, Indiana 47201, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Dennis Tremble
Physical Address
, Muncie, Indiana , United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Richard Hivner
Physical Address
, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Mark Felber
Physical Address
1340 E. Tracy Rd., Whiteland, Indiana 46184, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Chris Dean
Physical Address
500 E. Christy St., Marion, Indiana 46952, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Jerel Clanney
Physical Address
379 N. Corwin Rd. , Bloomfield , Indiana 47424, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Physical Address
8470 Hwy 135 NE, New Salisbury, Indiana 47161, United States of America
Victory Independent Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
John Nichols
Physical Address
3982 W US 40, Greenfield, Indiana 46140, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Robert E Patenaude
Physical Address
705 N. Rush Creek Road, Salem, Indiana 47167, United States of America
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Pastor's Name
Physical Address
7520 st.rd. 142, Martinsville, Indiana 46151, United States of America