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Biblical Baptist Church

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Pastor's Name
Rev.Dr.Billa Wilson Babu

“We Preach Christ Crucified…”I Cor 1:23Doulos Ministries(A Ministry of Biblical Baptist Church)25-2-1105, 3rd Cross, Revenue Colony, Nellore -524 004., Mobile: +91 - 09866239864. +91 - 0861-234 0001. __________________________________________________________________________________Rev.Dr. Billa Wilson Babu is from Karnataka State, India but moved to Nellore, Andhra Pradesh State for missions. He is married to Beulah Rani. They have been blessed with 3 Children: son Billa Jonathan Wilson and 2 daughter’s Billa Jacintha Wilson and Billa Jasper Wilson. By God’s grace he has obtained degrees in Missions. He spent 4 years of church planting ministry in Bangalore and 2 years as professor at Acts Institute, Bangalore. He also spent 4 years serving as missionary among tribal ministry at COUNT – Hyderabad, where he was secretary for Church planting , church growth and church development. Since then he has been teaching in Care Counselling Institute. Presently he is Pastoring a church and passion to train and sharpen servants to God.My Heart for Andhra Pradesh:Ever since then i have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal savoir i had a great desire to serve the Lord. By the grace of God the Lord has given me the great privilege to study the scriptures at Bible Colleges. Ever since the completion of my studies, i have involved in the Lord’s work. I have a great aspiration to involve in mission, with a statistics of unreached people groups in Andhra Pradesh state, India. This is my vision and burden for the Lord for rest of my life, ‘Together’ we can reach and disciple people of Andhra Pradesh, India. For which i need your prayer support and specially your involvement in India.Doulos Vision: To reach the un-reached, to preach Christ and win them over, by all conceivable way .To Prepare committed believers and launch workers into the harvest. Mark 16:15 (Reach – Preach – Teach – Relief) Doulos Aims: 1. To win the lost for Christ 2. To baptize the saved and attach them to a local church3. To preach and to teach the sound Doctrine and train the budding leaders4. To build the church buildings for believers to worship the Lord5. To raise leaders and send them out from the local church and support them6. To conduct children Bible Clubs, Youth campaigns, women retreats and gospel meetings every year regularly7. To start a children Home for the destitute and needy ones, those who are in our village churches. Specially ministry among the Deaf and Dumb (Children) people8. To start Mobile health clinic, where 80% of the population does not have basic Medical help in villages and slum areas. 9. To support village pastors presently they do not have any kind of financial support10. To have permanent building for ‘Doulos Bible Institute and Doulos Ministries Doulos Ministries Focus: Committed to encourage believers to enter into their full potential as servants and ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Doulos Bible Institute and Doulos Leadership Centre teach and trains believers to be effective soul winners in preparation to take their place in the Lord’s Vineyard.Doulos Ministries is actively involved in the following:A. Evangelism & Church Planting: DM is dedicated to reach out the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to transform the individuals and the church that goes well beyond mere evangelistic outreach to holistic revolution of mind, heart and spirit.As a result of the Evangelism, 17 village churches have been planted under the umbrella of the Doulos Ministries. B. Youth seminar: Vision: The new generation ‘impacting out own generation through Transformed ‘Young People’Objective: To empower, train, motivate and mobilize Christian Young people to become fully devoted followers of Christ.C. Doulos Bible Institute & Doulos Leadership Centre: Training and MotivationVision: To equip Christian Leaders in a Changing Society.DBI & DLC is a non–Profit ministry of Doulos Ministries. It designed to help local churches, Pastors, and Christians. God gave me the vision of ministry that could change the world with the word of God. Our only goal is to help our people to grow in Christ like never before. The goal of our ministry is to give you, a tool to do just that, to take every member on a life- changing journey through every book, every word, and every major doctrine of the Christian faith. D. Compassion: Sharing the love of Christ through compassion ministry. We have a foster home, shalom care centre and taking care of Deaf and Dumb children/People. E. Relief and Disaster Aid: Helping the needy and victims’ of cyclone with Rice, Dhal, Oil, Blankets, Clothes and cooking vessels, Etc. F. Doulos Counselling Centre: For youth, adults, (Pre & Post marital) family enrichment, career guidance and Christian discipline. Partnership: while we move on to evangelize and church planting; we strongly covet your co-operation, Prayers and any assistance, which will be the guiding force behind all our efforts. We are praying and looking for “Partnership” with the same aims and objects which are mentioned above. Surely it would be a different kind of ministry with unique features. Urgent Prayer: Pray many may join to this ministry and be blessed by the Lord. It is our earnest desire to reach-out millions who are heading towards the Hell. We covet the prayers of all who love the Lord the Jesus Christ and who are interested in the people of India. As you minister with God given ability and capacity, we as a church/ministry assure our definite prayers for you. For more details, please write to me:With Lot’s of Thanks & Prayer’sYours in His Vineyard Rev.Dr. Billa Wilson Babubillawilson7@gmail.comMobile +91-098662 39864, Land Phone +91-0861 – 234 0001

Phone Number
ZIP Code
524 004
Physical Address
14th Church Street, V.R. Nagar, Nellore.A.P., Nellore. A.P. 524 004, India
Town / City
Nellore. A.P.

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