Here at New Heights Baptist Church our mission is to be Christ-centered. We are an independent church where God is first and the Bible is preached, taught and lived by.
Our Vision: Enlisting, Equipping, Enabling and Encouraging the Saints for God's Glory
Our goal is to fulfill the Great Command of reaching souls for Christ through prayer, soul winning and ministries (Enlisting). To give and teach the necessary tools to live a victorious Christian life (Equipping). To (Enable) someone to apply what they learn through serving at our church. Saying thank-you for a job well done or being there to help or providing a hug or just having compassion & mercy (Encouraging)
We are currently located in the Bridgton Community Center. Our Sunday Service starts at 10:30am and evening service is at 6:30pm. Our Mid Week Bible Study is on Wednesday at 6:30pm.