The King James Bible is the preserved and inspired Word of God. It is without any errors and is our sole authority for all matters of faith and practice.We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God who has eternally existed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Godhead is fully God.God created the world as recorded in Genesis.We believe Jesus Christ is fully God from the beginning. His earthly existence began when He was begotten by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ was completely without sin. He was fully God, yet fully man.We believe Jesus shed His blood on the cross at Calvary for our sins. He was buried, and arose on the third day. We believe that all men are born sinners. We believe that salvation is by grace, through faith. Man cannot work or earn his way to Heaven. Salvation comes by trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ.When a person trusts in and relies upon the blood of Christ to save him, he is reborn or "born again"and immediately the Holy Spirit lives in him. This indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not evidenced by speaking in tongues, but by godly living. A saved person possesses eternal life. He is saved now. It is permanent and is never repeated. Once saved, always saved!
Leading Way Baptist Church
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