We are an independent, fundamental, AV1611, local church, soul-winning, Bible-preaching church. We have conservative music and dress.
Historic Baptist Church (HBC) is a friendly and loving church where all are welcome who want to hear the word of God preached. Our ministry is people. We care about you! In addition to being an independent Bible preaching Baptist church, we also strive to offer an environment of grace and joy. Our pastor believes people ought to attend church because they look forward to the preaching, praise, and the fellowship. We strive for the proper balance of grace and truth. We are a church family that is bound by cords of love and dedication to God. We support the cause of Jesus Christ and the continued ministry of the scriptures to the world by means of various ministries. We encourage soul-winning, visitation, and other evangelistic activities. We know that Jesus would have every effort we make have as its purpose the Glory of Jesus Christ and Redemption.
Historic Baptist Church