King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources

West Basingstoke Baptist Church

West Basingstoke Baptist Church
Pastor's Name
David Ellsmore

West Basingstoke Baptist Church is a local independent church in Basingstoke, Hampshire, meeting together as directed in the Scriptures, for praise, worship, teaching, fellowship and the winning of souls to Christ. The pastor is David Ellsmore.

“We warmly invite you to come along to our services and hear for yourselves the Gospel preached, and the Scriptures taught in a clear, positive manner.” – Pastor David Ellsmore, West Basingstoke Baptist Church

Independent means that Jesus Christ is the head of our local church and we are not bound to, or controlled by, any other church or organisation. The members of this local church alone are responsible before the Lord to follow the teachings of the Bible.

At West Basingstoke Baptist Church, we accept the Bible literally and believe that it is wholly without error or omission. It is our only rule of faith and practice. We believe in the literal account of Creation as recorded in the book of Genesis.

We believe in:

The Divine Inspiration and Preservation of the Bible,
The Trinity of The Godhead,
The Virgin Birth of Christ Jesus,
The Substitutionary Atonement of Christ (Christ took our place on the cross at Calvary),
Salvation by Grace through Faith Alone,
The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and
The Literal Bodily Return of Jesus Christ (Second Coming).

Further details on our beliefs can be found here:

Are there audio or video messages available on the web site?
Phone Number
+44 (0)1256 844222
ZIP Code
RG22 4LR
Physical Address
Sullivan Road, Brighton Hill, RG22 4LR
Town / City
Last Verified
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