King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources

KJV Church Directory Offering

The Worldwide Directory of KJV Independent Baptist Churches is typically supported by sponsorships. Because of the illness of the Director and events of recent months, we have not been able to pursue sponsorships as we have in the past. This has created difficult circumstances.

We know that this is a challenging time to seek support. Churches and many individuals have seen a dramatic down-swing in income. However, we are praying that there are those whom God will move to be a blessing to this vital project at this time.

If He so moves you, please use the button below or the mailing address below to support this directory project. Thank you, and may God bless you!

Amount of support


Or, mail your gift payable to “Baptist Ministries” to: Baptist Ministries, C/O Ron Meldrum, 2393 New Vineyard Rd, New Vineyard, ME 04956.