Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the KJV, independent Baptist church directory.
Our church directory is now seeing an average of over 500 visits every day, totaling over 2,000 individual pageviews per day. People use it to find KJV, IFB churches while they are traveling and to find churches when they move to a new area.
We are seeking 12 sponsors. Each sponsor receives the following benefits starting when they sign up and going through the end of 2019.
- A link on every page, near the upper-right. This link will appear on the home page, country pages, state pages, and individual church listing pages. (Purchase 2 slots in the sponsorship program and get a graphic banner, 180 pixels by 54 pixels, on the web site instead of a text link.)
- Your listing at the top of your state listings — be among the first churches visitors see. Many states still have no sponsoring churches — yours could be on top.
- A link in the bi-annual “Update Reminder” e-mails sent to all of the e-mail contacts for the listings.
Only 12 sponsors will be accepted.
KJV, IFB Church Directory Year-long Sponsorship (with bonus month):
Not only do you get significant exposure for your web site, but your sponsorship provides vital support to this Church Directory project, helping people find King James, Independent Baptist churches.
I invite you to get started today!